Remote Training Can (and Should) Be Engaging

welocalize May 4, 2021

The need for face-to-face learning is decreasing since businesses are now turning to remote training. In fact, the worldwide e-learning market is estimated to be worth US$325 billion in 2025. This figure shows how much traction remote training is gaining. The reality is that it isn’t always easy to conduct virtual training. 

It comes with its own hurdles that, if not addressed, can drastically reduce the effectiveness of training sessions. To overcome this challenge, companies must learn to go beyond translating training content. They must implement strategies that can effectively motivate e-learners and increase interaction and satisfaction. 

In this post, we’ll cover several ways your company can make remote training engaging (and effective) for your virtual audiences.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All – Develop Local Training Modules 

For e-learning training programs and materials to become effective and engaging tools, you must adapt them to local audiences. You’ll need to develop local training modules through localization. This means adapting your e-learning course content to specific locations and their cultures. This includes multimedia content types and other localization techniques, such as subtitling, audio dubbing, videos, quizzes, and text to speech.  

When you align training courses with your target audience’s dynamics, e-learning module localization ensures cultural nuances are handled correctly and don’t lead to misinterpretations, With Welocalize, remote training module localization doesn’t have to be a complex process. We can transform your content for new languages throughout multiple channels, devices, and platforms through localization and cultural adaptation. 

Welocalize’s language services include linguistic testing, multimedia, e-learning, translation, and localization to over 250 languages and 77,000 in-country linguistic resource networks. Developing local training modules through localization makes remote training relatable to e-learners. This boosts knowledge acquisition, increases their retention, and provides a more effective learning experience.


Gamification of Remote Learning 

Let’s face it, your team can get bored by spending countless hours staring at their screens during their virtual training sessions. When this happens, their ability to absorb concepts and ideas is drastically hampered, which hurts their learning experience. 

The solution? Virtual training gamification. 

When used correctly, gamification is a powerful tool that can significantly increase employee engagement, productivity, and motivation. For instance, using achievements and reward systems can motivate e-learners to do more and perform better, boosting their productivity. 

It can also help develop specific skills, improve learning through memorable training activities, encourage collaboration and teamwork, and offer a space for innovation. For instance, the Lifesum Health App uses quizzes and daily food, and daily meal ratings to motivate and encourage their 45 million worldwide users to log in daily and keep striving for their health goals in 11 languages.  

Include games in your remote training courses to provide compelling and immersive virtual learning experiences. 


How Companies Are Maximizing Gamification in Remote Learning 

Gamifying remote learning can help enhance your employee’s experience during training, which then improves their performance during work. 

Other use cases for gamification in remote training include: 

  • Improve training results. Gamifying virtual training benefits both your company and employees. The more engaged your employees are, the higher their learning retention. 
  • Onboarding. Gamification can make the onboarding process less tedious and overwhelming. Instead, it makes the procedure more interactive and engaging. This helps new employees remember lessons and processes better, allowing them to perform their tasks at an improved level.
  • Make regular virtual training more engaging. Some people dread mandatory routine training because it’s boring and repetitive. Gamification makes remote knowledge transfer more fun and engaging, making the learning experience easier to remember and absorb.
Final Thoughts 

Remote training doesn’t need to be boring to be effective.  

Through localization, you can make e-learning contextually and culturally relevant. Weaving in gamification incentivizes and increases employee motivation by making the learning process entertaining and engaging. 

If you’re looking for reliable content and multimedia localization, adaptation, and gamification services, connect with us today.